When considering Norwegian black metal releases from the 90's, most people would normally recall several classics - Satyricon's "Nemesis Divina", Gorgoroth's "Under the Sign of Hell" or Immortal's "Pure Holocaust". Urgehal is a name that isn't often mentioned and "Arma Christi" isn't an album that most people would recall as a release they had contact with in the 90's. Urgehal is a band that wasn't mentioned in the news as part of the "black metal inner circle" reportedly burning down churches, it wasn't a band whose members were ever reported as involved in murders. It is a band that started gaining notoriety for its work in recent years - "Goatcraft Torment" and "Ikonoklast" are strong statements that black metal is still practiced in its strongest and purest form.
"Arma Christi" is an album that portrays black metal in its initial stages, and dares to show a glimpse of what would be made after the turning of the millennium. It is a work that could be placed side-by-side with Dodheimsgard's often overlooked "Kronet Til Konge" and with Watain's debut "Rabid Death's Curse".
Repress CD of thirst masterpiece from 1997!!!
1 Blood Hunt 3:46
2 The Night Armageddon Comes 8:27
3 Embraced By Cold 7:21
4 The Eternal Eclipse 5:46
5 Conjuring The Hordes Of Blasphemy 5:13
6 Maatte Blodet Flomme 4:38
7 Evocation Of The Satanic Ascendancy 6:22
8 Dethronation Of God 5:47