Airing their anger and fury since 1993, "Reality Bites" is Driller Killer’S fourth opus, originally released on CD in 1997. First time on vinyl, RB serves up a dozen bulldozing blasts of pounding metal-edged Swedish HC punk in the spirit of life, death and misery!! Ultra fast galloping drum beats effortlessly executed behind a wall of shredding guitars, chainsaw bass lines and devastating vocals by frontman Cliff Lundberg. FFO: Discharge, Extreme Noise Terror, Napalm Death, Anti Cimex.
Black vinyl is limited to 600 pieces.
A1 Scream Suffer Die
A2 God Forgives
A3 ... The Phanatix
A4 Count Me Out
A5 Where The Sun Never Shines
A6 Mad Bad N' Pissed
A7 No Reason To Quit
B1 The Scum That Rules
B2 From One Hell To Another
B3 Rise Above (Black Flag)
B4 Cash Flow Zero
B5 Doomed From The Start
B6 Fear Today Gun Tomorrow
B7 Don't Point