The Committee - memorandum occultus (black vinyl, lim. 300), LP
Second full lenght album by this international collaboration of four black/doom musicians from diverse nationalities. THE COMMITTEE's "Memorandum Occultus" features six weapons of manipulation of large masses of people ranging from the least effective to the most effective & destructive. It is a roadmap and a crash course in enslavement of millions and maintaining a strict dictatorial control. It invites you to travel through the centuries and develop a methodological view of the events around ourselves & their subsequent interpretation.
- limited to 300 black copies
A1 Dead Diplomacy - Weapons Of War 8:41
A2 Synthethic, Organic Gods - Weapons Of Genocide 7:01
A3 Golden Chains - Weapons Of Finance 10:27
B4 Treacherous Teachings - Weapons Of Religion 9:14
B5 Flexible Facts - Weapons Of History And Chronology 9:58
B6 Intelligent Insanity - Weapons of Methodology And Duality 8:45
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