"Sleep Of The Angels" is a first-class piece of dark-romantic music, which is characterized by awesome melodies and controlled power. Everything is just right: Sakis' scratchy vocals are very variable for the singer's circumstances, technically everything is in the green area, the guitar solos get under your skin, and Xy's production is beyond all doubt, even if it's damn bad Samael sounds.
- gold edition, limited to 300 pieces
1 Cold Colours 3:36
2 After Dark I Feel 4:31
3 Victoriatus 4:01
4 Der Perfekte Traum 4:28
5 You My Flesh 4:35
6 The World Made End 3:00
7 Sleep The Sleep Of Angels 4:35
8 Delusions 3:36
9 Imaginary Zone 3:45
10 Thine Is The Kingdom 4:59