Band Merchandise

Success Will Write Apocalypse Across The Sky "the grand partition and the abrogation of idolatry" (clear vinyl, lim 100)

Success Will Write Apocalypse Across The Sky "the grand partition and the abrogation of idolatry" (clear vinyl, lim 100)
Special coloured vinyl edition, limited to 100 copies worldwide only. S.W.W.A.A.T.S. not so new combo borned in Florida, the most prolific and most famous death metal scene ever appeared all around the globe. In the past, bands like OBITUARY, ATHEIST, DEATH, DEICIDE... All they formed a scene, every band playing their own thing and showing the world a step forward on extreme music made in US. These days, bands like S.W.W.A.A.T.S. Take the extreme metal done in the area and put it even further with a punishing, destructive and so brilliant piece of artwork, technical and lyrically. A super artwork comes with this debut on exclusive vinyl. This release includes bonus track.
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Hersteller-Art.-Nr.: BLACK-107LP

Hersteller/Marke: Black Sleeves

19,90 EUR

inkl. MwSt., zzgl. Versandkosten
Lieferzeit: 3-5 Tage*
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