Digibook CD
Obtest from Lithuania are one of the more unique pagan folk metal bands. The music is really fast and very melodic which causes the album to be amazingly catchy, memorable and simply damn good. The music is far too aggressive to be traditional metal although it certainly has that aspect to it. There are also enough near-Celtic Frost moments for this album to be called black metal.
This is the A5 Hardcover Digibook edition, limited to 1000 copies. Playing time: 43:29.
It includes the English translation of all lyrics and lots of great photos. Actually it looks more like a A5 photoalbum or book with an unique state of art landscape photographies including a CD as bonus than the other way round. Very well done!!!
1 - Paskutinė Akimirka / The Last Blink 4:13
2 - Devyniaragis / The Nine Horned 4:01
3 - Iš Kartos Į Kartą / From Generation To Generation 4:26
4 - Pergalė / Victory 5:43
5 - Griausmavaldys / Thunderlord 5:04
6 - Audronaša / Stormbringer 4:30
7 - Burtai / Spells 4:40
8 - Pirmyn! / Forward! 5:44
9 - Suminti Juodi Takai / Black Treaded Paths 5:03