New wave of old school Thrash Metal. In creating hyper-focused stylistic choices in the construction of their fourth very retro-thrash album ‘New War Order’ Greek metal band Exarsis have effectively hidden safely behind their influences. Though it would be facetious to accuse the group of ‘hiding’ rather than simply wearing their true metal influences so proudly that their message and talent are outshined by “who they sound like”. This isn’t a new phenomenon and it should surprise zero thrash fans around the world. Groups like Warbringer, Havok and Municipal Waste have found success in tunnel vision retro thrash metal releases that exist purely as tribute and rendition of one of metal’s most inspiring and energetic generations. Thrash metal changed the world of heavy metal for the better but retro releases (over thirty years later) may have hit rehash fatigue at least a decade ago. What better testament to the power of thrash metal style and execution that Exarsis can exist as merely an up-to-par entity and still be just as effective as any second tier thrash release from the genre’s heyday. They’ve got their Bay Area-meets-Teutonic thrash style locked in and down to a science; the resulting album ‘New War Order’ is a shrieking, moshable riff-salad that demands attention with its furor and political outrage.
1 Zionism (The Reaping)
2 Twisted Logic
3 The Underground
4 General Guidance
5 Just Buried
6 Chaos Creation
7 Prophet For Profit
8 Combined Disasters
9 Haarp Weapon
10 Human Project