THRUDVANGAR have been an important part of German Viking Metal for almost 20 years and have managed to be a fixture in the scene. With 'Vegvsir' the guys are now releasing their sixth studio album and the production is in the hands of none other than Lars Rettkowitz (Freedom Call), in whose Emperial Sound Studios well-known bands such as Victorius, Deliver The Galaxy or Dying Empire recorded their great discs. With their new album, Thrudvangar return to their melodic roots and reflect on the trademarks of Viking Metal: Powerful riffs, catchy melodies and grandiose choirs take the listener on a journey to the old myths and sagas of the Vikings.
1 Vegvisir
2 Wächter Der Brücke
3 Jörmungandr
4 Ran
5 Hravnagud
6 Fenrirs Brut
7 Siegvaters Maid
8 Sturm Aus Eisen
9 Für Die Ewigkeit
10 Fardrengir
11 Alles, Was Bleibt...